2nd St. Louis Union Station Gathering

Our 2nd St. Louis WG Certificate

(Pic on the left) Flobees and husband John, Anthony and $piritwing
(Pic on the right) Career Soldier and wife Tammy, Dan & Rachael, Teddy Bear and husband Steve

(Pic on the left) $piritwing, Bruok, UnitedWeStand, WG, Keith and Mike (our 2"virgin"gatherers)
(Pic on the right) fogette and husband Ken

(Pic on the left) Me & fogette
(Pic on the right) United We Stand, WheatPenny, Mike and Half$Dollar

(Pic on the left) Mike, fogette, Dough Angel, Half$Dollar, WheatPenny and Dough Master
(Pic on the right) Jan,Flobees, WheatPenny,fogette, Roll'n'Dough,Dough Angel,Anthony and $piritwing

Our waitress, Jan and Liz (Our Key West Hostess)

(The Group)
Backrow: Half$Dollar,fogette,flobees,Keith,United We Stand,Jan,Mike,Bruok,Dan
Middlerow: WheatPenny,Dough Master,Roll'n'Dough,Rachel,Career Soldier
Frontrow: WG, Dough Angel, $piritwing and Anthony

Hi Terry Oct 25 2003

Who was Who

Bye from All of us at Union Station

Animated Mailbox Opening and Closing
